Veterans and Military Services

VAMS Supporting Future Leaders Today

Vital Mobility Transport Program Launched with SFAC Support

After a successful micro pilot mobility transport program developed for members of the Military-related community that took place in the 2022-2023 school year, Veterans and Military Services (VAMS) began a fully operational two-year pilot program serving all students on campus in the Fall of 2024.

Seeing the need for the program, Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC) provided over $200,000 in initial funding that provided for the purchase of 4 electric carts including; one wheelchair equipped cart, two four-passenger carts and one six-passenger cart and to update an unused wheelchair equipped van previously owned by UCSB’s Transportation Services.

Student Affairs leadership also acknowledged the need for a mobility transport program and provided the funding for a program manager and student drivers. The program provides services to students with both temporary and permanent disabilities and serves both undergrad and graduate students. Trained drivers use electric carts to pick up students at their residence, or a parking lot for commuting students, and take them to their classrooms.  After their class, students are taken to their next class, or a place to study until their next class, and then back to their residences or parking location.

The program has grown from actively serving four students at the beginning of Fall quarter to 37 students toward the end of Spring quarter with 59 total students supported during the entire year. The program employs approximately 12 student drivers each quarter. Rides have increased substantially as well going from an average of 52 rides per week in Fall quarter to 238 per week in Winter quarter to an average of 437 toward the end of Spring quarter. This is an increase of 457% from Fall to Winter and 840% from Fall to Spring.


The mission of the program is to enable students to attend class, engage in activities and access campus facilities without hindrance, promoting accessibility to campus resources for all.